IAA and visual disabilities

Unesco Forum 'Callenging inequalities', December 2019
The AIAP artist, Liku Maria Takahashi, member of the Japanese Committee, was invited, in December 2019, by the UNESCO Liaison Committee of the Unesco NGOs, to make an intervention within the framework of the Forum 'Challenging inequalities'. This intervention allowed LM Takahashi to present to the audience the reasons for which she imagined this MARIS method which allows the blind people to concretely create works of art, the technique itself, and the creations that she carried out with blind people, children and adults. At the end of the Forum, Fatema Binet Ouakka,a Franco-Moroccan artist, member of the French Committee, offered to work with her in Morocco, as well as in France, with people with Alzhieimer disease, in order to be better able to measure the efficiency of this method on this type of neurological disorders.



Program [French, PDF] | movie


An artist of the Japanese National Committee, Liku Maria Takahashi, developed a method that allows the blind and the visually impaired people, not only to 'see', but also to create works of art. Inspired by the Eastern tradition of sand painting, LM Takahashi created a 3-dimensional tool that gives people with visual disabilities the possibility to 'see' colors and shapes. Thanks to the innovative computer tools, this method will soon be developed in order to give blind people the possibility to create without any assistance. In addition, LM Takahashi uses this work for an highly peaceful purpose, prompting each participant, grain of sand after grain of sand, to pray or to make wishes for a nation which is not his own nation.

The method is explained by the artist herself in the following documents: Resume | Magazine | Art works | Reaflet.

Find more pictures through this link.



Children violence
Parkinson disease
Alzheimer disease
Autist children
Building peace
Africa Week
Environment and climate
Visual Disabilities
IAA and DYS children
Open Science